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Hale-Bopp rides an eerie green aurora borealis...
  Portals to Other Worlds...

The links below should serve to further feed your need for all things unexplained. Most are general info sites not focused on one aspect of the unknown. Others are just plain uncategorizable, and thus ended up here. If you feel that there is a link that should be included on this page, e-mail me at:

Conspiracy Theories Top Sites:

The Black Vault -An incredible resource for those in pursuit of strange information. This site is HUGE (a GIG of online data) and even offers scans of actual government documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. The creator is a kid that started the site back in 1996 when he was 15!

Crank Dot Net - Another GREAT resource! This site is a veritable labrynth of links to Web sites and essays and other such things concerning "CRANK": alternate science, UFOs, prophecies, and other conspiracy topics! - The name says it all. A site created by conspiracy buffs for conspiracy buffs. I give props to my peers...

disinformation - Yet another site chock full of (dis)info, ranging from human rights to aliens to philosophy.

Hoaxkill - Want to check out the veracity of the latest chain letter concerning the flesh eating virus? Go here!

The Charles Fort Institute - Charles Fort (1874 - 1937) was a collector of strange stories. Whether he believed in their paranormal nature is up for debate. Fort referred to himself as an "intermediatist," one who believes nothing is real and nothing is unreal. He said he believed that "all phenomena are approximations one way or the other between realness and unrealness." There are those, such as the people linked to the institute which bears his name and the people that publish The Fortean Times magazine, that consider him the founder of modern paranormal studies.

Skeptical Inquirer/CSICOP and - These links serve as the yin to the yang of this site! It's been said you can't know a thing without it's opposite, so I give you the proverbial "devil's advocates," the lovers of Occam's Razor, the ultimate debunkers and acolytes of strict reason, the lords of dogged adherence to the Scientific Method, and so on and so forth! CSICOP stands for the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. This committee publishes Skeptical Inquirer magazine. is of course the site dedicated to the Skeptics Society and their magazine, Skeptic. You can also visit the Skeptic's Dictionary for "over 400 skeptical definitions and essays"...
Conspiracy Theories Recommended Sites

SCHWA - This is one of those bizarre sites...this link takes you deep inside the site's labyrinth of exhibits to the inner sanctum of the SCHWA corporation, which publishes a "World Operations Manual." Click on the poster of the alien with SCHWA written on its forehead to learn how to control the population of a planet.

Distant Corners - This site really is a dark "corner" of the Internet. You'll see what I mean...

Institute of Druidic Technology - Want to learn more about Celtic computing? Visit this out-there site for more info on "rod-memory" and the "RUNIX" operating system.